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11:00 - 17:00 uur

The Avant-Garde Museum

The Avant-Garde Museum

Pindera, A
Suchan, J
Gough, M
Chlenova, M
Uchill, R

Pindera, A
Suchan, J
Gough, M
Chlenova, M
Uchill, R

Lissitzky, El
Dreier, Katherine
Duchamp, Marcel
Man Ray
Boek; 630 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: AVANT-GARDE
VUBIS: 2:104447


Groepstentoonstelling analyseert avant-garde museum projekten, in het bijzonder van The Société Anonyme (opgericht door Katherine Dreier, Man Ray en Marcel Duchamp in 1920), de groep a.r. (opgericht in 1929 door Henryk Stazewksy, Wladislaw Strzeminski en Katarzyna Kobro ; een jaar later sluiten twee dichters zich bij hen aan: Julian Przybos en Jan Brzekowski) en het Kabinett der Abstrakten van de Russische kunstenaar El Lissitzky. - Tent. Lodz, Muzeum Sztuki, 15-10-2021, 27-02-2022. - Coll. VAM: Lissitzky, El, Der Konstrukteur (Selbstporträt), 1924, p. 418 ill. zw. ; Prounenraum, 1923 (reconstructie 1971), p. 419 ill. kleur ; Proun 1C, 1919-1921, p. 446 ill. kleur ; Proun 3A, 1919-1921, p. 447 ill. kleur. - The publication consists of materials devoted to four avant-garde museum projects: the network of Museums of Artistic Culture established in post-October Russia, Kabinett der Abstrakten designed by El Lissitzki for the Hanover Provincial Museum in 1927, Société Anonyme Inc. established in New York in the early 1920s, and the International Collection of Modern Art of the “a.r.” group opened to the public in 1931 at the city museum in Lódz. Critical studies by eminent researchers dealing with the historical avant-garde are accompanied by a selection of source texts and a rich iconography presenting archival materials and selected works from collections related to the projects in question. The historical and ideological framework of the entire project is outlined in the opening essay written by Jaroslaw Suchan. It contains a synthetic overview of individual avant-garde ventures, with an emphasis on presenting those that are still not sufficiently known globally, namely, the collection of the “a.r.” group. It also provides a comparative analysis of these initiatives and on this basis formulates the characteristics of what we might understand as the very idea of an “avant-garde museum”. Each essay presents these quasi-artistic and quasi-museological initiatives in more detail, with specific emphasis being dedicated to both their common features and regional specificity.