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The Revolution is Dead. Long Live the Revolution

The Revolution is Dead. Long Live the Revolution

Bühler, K
Eggelhöfer, E
Dost, K
Dössegger, M
Merten, S
Renders, W
Tupitsyn, M
Groys, B

Bühler, K
Eggelhöfer, E
Dost, K
Dössegger, M
Merten, S
Renders, W
Tupitsyn, M
Groys, B

Lissitzky, El
Moholy-Nagy, László
Toroni, Niele
Judd, Donald
Malevich, Kasimir
Boek; 368 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
VUBIS: 2:100364


Tent. Bern, Kunstmuseum Bern / Zentrum Paul Klee, 13-04-2017, 09-07-2017. - Groepstentonstelling onderzoek invloed en betekenis van de Russische Revolutie op de moderne en hedendaagse kunst. - The point of departure for the present publication is the strikingly innovative artistic spirit of the Russian avant-garde, along with the "Socialist Realism" that became established after the revolution. It addresses the radical conceptions of the revolutionary artistic movements of the early 20th century and their significance for the breakthroughs to abstraction and Constructivism. It also traces the implications and the traces of "Socialist Realism" as an ideologically motivated pictorial formula up to the present day. Also investigated is the actuality and viability of revolutionary ideas and art with reference to numerous examples of both abstract and representational art. For those interested in the works and ideas of these movements, and in the artistic consequences of the October Revolution in general, this sumptuous publication offers fascinating insights and a comprehensive overview. - Coll. VAM: Lissitzky, El, Proun P23, Nr. 6, 1919, p. 37, 168 ill. kleur ; Proun 2B, 1919-1921, p. 168 ill. zw. ; Proun 1E, Die Stadt, 1919-1921, p. 168 zw. ; Proun, ca. 1919-1923, p. 35, 168 ill. zw. ; Proun, ca. 1920, p. 168 ill. zw. ; Entwurf für Proun 23 N, ca. 1920-1923, p. 168 ill. kleur ; Proun, ca. 1921-1923, p. 23, 169 ill. ; Entwurf für Proun G7, ca. 1922-1923, p. 36, 169 ill. kleur ; Prounenraum, 1923 (reconstructie 1971), p. 23, 169 kleur ; Roter Kries auf schwarzem Papier, voor 1924, p. 169 kleur ; Entwurf für den Umschlag der Zeitschrift Veshch Gegenstand Objet, 1922, p. 78 ill. zw ; Anzeige für eine Lesung in Hannover, 1923, p. 80 ill. kleur ; Omslag tentoonstellingscatalogus Amsterdam, 1922, p. 81 ill. kleur ; Moholy-Nagy, László, Die grosse Gefühlsmaschine, 1920, p. 171 ill. kleur ; Ohne Titel, 1922, p. 55, 171 ill. kleur ; Judd, Donald, Ohne Titel (Progression), 1969, p. 140 ill. kleur ; Toroni, Niele, Empreintes de pinceau no.50 répétées à intervalles réguliers, 1980, p. 144 ill. kleur